WG Papers
The following is the list of working groups. Please click on the links to reach the papers or reports.
- Argumentation and proof
[Papers] - [WG1 Report]
- Arithmetic and number systems
[Papers] - [WG2 Report]
- Algebraic thinking
[Papers] - [WG3 Report]
- Geometrical thinking
[Papers] - [WG4 Report]
- Stochastic thinking
[Papers] - [WG5 Report]
- Applications and modelling
[Papers] - [WG6 Report]
- Mathematical potential, creativity and talent
- Affect and mathematical thinking
[Papers] - [WG8 Report]
- Mathematics and language
[Papers] - [WG9 Report]
- Cultural diversity and Mathematics Education
- Comparative studies in Mathematics Education
[Papers] - [WG11 Report]
- History in Mathematics Education
- Early Years Mathematics
[Papers] - [WG13 Report] - [Questionnaire]
- University mathematics education
[Papers] - [WG14 Report]
- Technologies and resources in mathematics education
[Papers] - [WG15 Report]
- Different theoretical perspectives / approaches in research
in mathematics education
[Papers] - [WG16 Report]
- From a study of teaching practices to issues in teacher
[Papers] - [WG17 Report]